Mar 26, 2010

URU Update

Work on Uguisu reflects on Ume continues... but slowly.  The last three Ume are in progress and soon to be completed.  Then I'll add the legs of Uguisu so that I can put in the branch.  Lastly, I'll add some floating petals to help draw the eye across the design.  Later, I'll decide weather or not to just let the cord gradually end or if a muted tassel is in order....  Will blog and hopefully get your thoughts on that soon.

So what have I been up to?  Well..... have you checked out my blog landing page lately?  If you are reading this through GoogleReader, Networked Blogs, or some sort of RSS feed you might want to stop by and let me know how you like the new layout: Better background picture coming soon...

Also, I've been doing a pretty big kitchen remodel.  By "I", I mean "me" - no outside contract help here.  Walls and ceiling painted, ugly tile off of backsplash.  Next - new tile, paint the counters and cabinets, then onto the floor.  Here are some pictures so that you can get a feel for why I've only been able to sneak some stitching in here and there.

Have a great weekend (I'll be Huck Fin'n)!

Lilystitch and

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christa, I really like the new page. Thanks for mentioning it. I get you in RSS so would not have know to come and look. URU is looking good. Uguisu is fabulous. I'd love to see some close ups of him and hear some of your tips on stitching birds.


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